Re: [Salon] Jeffrey Sachs on provoking World War III (10-minute segment from recent interview with Tucker Carlson)

Three phenomena that occurred since 9/11 have really amazed me. The first being how readily so much of the U.S. populace turned openly to “fascist solutions” immediately upon 9/11, led by Traditional Conservatives like Jesse Helms and Jeff Sessions, and their NeoConservative ideological off-shoots. The second being how readily so many people here, to include older former intell officer/analysts, put aside any critical thinking skills they might have once had in analyzing Soviet-era “Dezinformatzia,” and accepted as true, an identical “Dezinformatzia” program directed by Oligarchs now having the capabilities of deciding U.S. elections. As Charles Koch, Peter Thiel, the Adelsons, (Axis of Evil), the Mercers, with Steve Bannon, did in 2016. And are working at again for 2024. The third is how readily, “liberals” were ready to ignore how the “Axis Of Evil” was working so closely with Israel’s fascist-Right, to serve mutual “fascist interests,” and shift blame for everything wrong on to Russia, and now China, which was and is exactly what the “Conservatives” desire to heighten tensions with countries that the Trump administration identified as the “Enemy,” in numerous “Strategy” documents. But if one only reads “journalists,” one wouldn’t know what the “Right” is really up to, as with Project 2025. 

So I’m perplexed by both sides here (see below), though I am admittedly of limited intelligence (ask my right wing detractors here especially!) and imagination. Here’s why: 

One says this: "Also interesting that Sachs suggests that Trump and Vance "get it" on the realities of what is happening in Ukraine. This seems almost as good as an endorsement– at least as it affects foreign policy. And also heartening that this is the kind of world view that Carlson may bring into the unofficial circles around a Trump administration in foreign policy. 

The other this: "And a new best buddies club of the dictators Trump, Putin and Xi,business Evil triumvirate hu"

So can some one explain to me how brilliant, but odious, people such as Peter Thiel, and his Silicon Valley Military Tech Industrial Complex Network of Palantir and companies founded by his Venture Capital "Founders Fund," spinning off ever more MTIC firms all waging war against China, Russia, Iran, and Palestinians, and all supporting Trump/Vance, makes Trump “best buddies” with Putin and Xi? And how it is that those promoting the election of Trump/Vance “get it,” even though they ostensibly oppose the war against Russia in Ukraine that Trump escalated and accelerated? 

"What JD Vance's rise tells us about the influence of Peter Thiel — and Silicon Valley in the age of Donald Trump"

Palantir hires China hawk Mike Gallagher

Behind the scenes: Palantir CEO Alex Karp, who's known Gallagher for years, recently told the New York Times the U.S. will "very likely" fight a sprawling war with China, Russia and Iran, and that scaring "the crap out of your adversaries" is the right move.

  • Gallagher's history hews with Karp's ideologies: He served in the Marine Corps, led the House Select China Committee, helped introduce the bill to ban TikTok, chaired a cyber-and-innovation subcommittee, said Taiwan should be armed "to the teeth in the cyber domain," and supported billions in U.S. aid to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan.

Palantir supplying Israel with technology to help in war effort 
"After holding its first board meeting of the year in Tel Aviv, the US company announced the signing of a strategic partnership with the Israel Ministry of Defense”Russia:

"Alex Karp, Palantir’s CEO, has argued that “the power of advanced algorithmic warfare systems is now so great that it equates to having tactical nuclear weapons against an adversary with only conventional ones.” Palantir would not have invested billions in developing its system if it did not believe in its transformational power. Karp was the first executive of a major Western company to visit Kyiv and meet with Zelensky after the Russian invasion.
"One idea I heard in London is that warfare may increasingly take place as a complex simulation within algorithmic systems. The process may have some deterrence powers: two opponents might reach the same conclusion about the outcome, preempting any need to trigger a conflict in the physical world. Is this utopian? Probably. The most likely scenario is an algorithmic arms race happening at superhuman speed. Here China rather than Russia is the real opponent. Taiwan rather than Ukraine is where the algorithm takes over."

"The progress has been striking. In the year and a half since Karp’s initial meeting with Zelensky, Palantir has embedded itself in the day-to-day work of a wartime foreign government in an unprecedented way. More than half a dozen Ukrainian agencies, including its Ministries of Defense, Economy, and Education, are using the company’s products. Palantir’s software, which uses AI to analyze satellite imagery, open-source data, drone footage, and reports from the ground to present commanders with military options, is “responsible for most of the targeting in Ukraine,” according to Karp."
Open link to see article better for all that Peter Thiel and Palantir are doing for Ukraine, and the British Army aiding Ukraine, in killing Russians. 

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On Sep 3, 2024, at 10:12 AM,> wrote:

What? What foolishness is this?
And what rough beast slouches towards Washington to be born?
Not to mention suspension of the Constitution and a dictatorship but only for a day (right?). And a new best buddies club of the dictators Trump, Putin and Xi,business Evil triumvirate hu

On Tue, Sep 3, 2024 at 9:05 AM, xxxxxxv> wrote:
The entire very long interview with Sachs  is extraordinary on all kinds of issues. Heartening that Tucker Carlson is giving all this massive incendiary stuff airtime. Also interesting that Sachs suggesst that Trump and Vance "get it" on the realities of what is happening in Ukraine. This seems almost as good as an endorsement– at least as it affects foreign policy. And also heartening that this is the kind of world view that Carlson may bring into the unofficial circles around a Trump administration in foreign policy. 

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